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A Letter for Girls

Menemukan postingan ini di blog Ci Lia, and really reaaaaally love it!

Surat ini ditulis oleh seorang pria (yang membuatnya jadi sangat menarik, karena kita jadi bisa mengerti hal ini dari sudut pandang seorang pria), dan di-post oleh Annawood.

I highlighted some key points of this letter. Some parts of this letter may surprise you (like what it did to me :p), because those things have never crossed your mind. But, don't worry, because that's why this letter was written... to open your eyes! :)

Read it girls, and humble yourselves before the Lord. Let Holy Spirit renews your mind...

So that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2b)


Dear Girls,

There are two kinds of men: Godly men, and worldly men.
What kind of man do you want?
I’m betting most of you said “a Godly man.”
Someday, you want to marry a man who loves God with every fiber of his being
because he will be an excellent husband and father.
He will honor and be true only to you.
Most women want a Godly man or at least think they do.
Well, I think I have found a way to tell you exactly what kind of guy you will get.
I don’t even have to know you! All I have to do is look at you.
The kind of guy you want or will get is advertised by the clothing you wear.
I know what men want. Trust me, I am a guy. I know more guys than you do and I know them better.
I know what we think, what we talk about, what we want, and what we look for,
and it is different for each one of us depending on our relationship with God.
I’m sure you already know this, but men were created differently than you.
We have different desires and priorities.
Our eyes and minds react very differently to some things than yours do.
It isn’t disgusting, perverted, or wrong; it is wonderful and good!
It is how God made us. It’s how we handle these differences that separate a Godly man from a worldly man.

A worldly man doesn’t control himself, rather, he looks at anything that attracts his attention or gets him excited. A worldly guy has no problem when girls wear clothes that show off skin, like boxers, high or low-cut shirts, low-rise jeans, and “cute” little swim-suits.
He’s a fan of tight-fitting shirts and pants that show off your form, he thinks they’re fine!
Worldly guy watches a lot of TV and R-rated movies, isn’t really offended by sexual content or nudity and secretly dabbles in pornography. He’s a “Christian” and makes up a significant portion of your church and youth group. He’s a really nice guy and sees you mainly for your body.
If you were to marry worldly guy, he’d bring lots of baggage into the relationship, have intimacy problems, entertain thoughts of other women, and possibly cheat on you.

A Godly man is in control of his drives and desires.
He constantly seeks God and reads his Bible.
He “walks in the Spirit” and isn’t set off by everything he sees.
When immodestly-dressed girls, magazine covers, or risqué advertisements come into view, Godly guy quickly “bounces his eyes” away from the image.
He’s constantly guarding his thoughts and what he allows into his mind.
He hates being around girls that disrespect him and his struggles by wearing inappropriate attire.
Godly guy doesn’t watch much TV and is selective about the movies he sees.
He views you as a person, knows you and respects you.
He has your best interests in mind and guards against inappropriate thoughts of you.
If you were to marry Godly guy, he would give you the emotional attention you need,
he would ignore other women and remain faithful to you no matter what.

Unfortunately, there are more worldly men than Godly men.
And to make matters worse, to the untrained eye, a worldly man can look a lot like a Godly man.
So what can you do to only attract a Godly man?
An important way of delineating between them lies in how you dress.
As mentioned before, the clothes you wear advertise what kind of guy you are looking for.
If you dress immodestly, you will attract worldly guys and scare away the Godly ones.
It all comes down to the kind of man you want to spend your time around and eventually marry.
You cannot afford to be complacent in this area of your life!
You will pay the price someday.

This issue isn’t limited strictly to you and your future relationship.
The way you dress directly affects other men and women and their relationships.
You don’t see the struggles, the pain, the tears and the sin that you cause, but I can promise that you would be shocked if you did!
Ask any Christian young man; we’ve all seen it. It’s kept hidden but it is definitely there.
By dressing immodestly, you effectually spit on the struggles of our weaker ranks, appearing to care more about toying with us than helping us.
You’ll never know how many broken relationships and lifestyles of sin you’ve contributed to simply by the way you dress.
You want to marry a Godly man someday, well so do many other women.
Don’t just help yourself and your future, help all women and their relationships by showing discretion in your dress.

Of course, I understand the desire to look stylish, attractive, and “cute.”
It’s important to fit in and get attention. Trust me, it can be done modestly!
I also understand that it is easier for some girls to find stylish and well-fitting clothes than it is for others.
This is an area where guys really don’t understand what you are up against.
But just remember, for every sacrifice you make to honor God with your image, Godly men are making sacrifices in their lives that are just as hard, if not harder!
They will and do respect you so much for choosing to be modest!
A real lady is conscientious of the image she presents, and real men want a real lady.
And you can forget about any guys missing out on how attractive you are because you don’t wear revealing clothing.
You could wear a circus tent and we would still know; it’s a gift we have.

And so the question still remains:
What kind of man do you want?
Answer me with your clothes.



Anonymous said…
buseett.. berat sekali baca'annya.. tapi aku akuin, materinya aku banget pic.. tetap berkarya dalam tulisanmu akan Tuhan & Firman-Nya ya.. :*
Stephanie Zen said…
hahaha tapi bener kan ya, kalau dari sudut pandang cowok kayak gitu? :p tengkyu koko.. terus bertumbuh dalam Tuhan juga ya. makin kembangkan talenta bermusikmu untuk memuji dan menyembah Tuhan. encun! :*
Anonymous said…
I think this is retarded.... Just saying. It seems like a great deal of brainwashing to me.
Stephanie Zen said…
hi, anonymous! thanks for dropped a comment :) anyway, are you a guy? i assume you are, please correct me if i'm wrong. and i will be very glad if next time you are willing to write your name, so i won't need to guess whether you're a guy or a girl :p

well, about your comment.. i think we should go back to the first sentence of this letter.

"there are two kinds of men: Godly men and worldly men."

of course, the way a man perceives this letter will be DIFFERENT, based on which category he belongs to. if he's a godly one, i dare to say that he'll agree with what this letter said, doesn't matter if it's really written by a man or it's just a great deal of brainwashing, like you said.

i know some godly men, and i also asked their opinion regarding this letter, and yes, they agree with me. don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that you're not a godly one, but your comment towards this letter has stated in which category you belong to.

well, let me know if my assumption is wrong :) God bless!

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