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Do I Really Know You?

Tadi pagi, saat daily devotional, tiba-tiba pengen denger lagu ini:

Terus, karena nggak hapal liriknya, saya search di google. Here's the lyric:

To Know You - Casting Crowns

To know You is to never worry for my life
To know You is to never give into compromise and
To know You is to want to tell the world about You
‘Cause I can’t live without You

To know You is to hear Your voice when You are calling
To know You is to catch my brother when he is falling
To know You is to feel the pain of the brokenhearted
'Cause they can’t live without You

More than my next breath
More than life or death
All I’m reaching for, I live my life to know You more
I leave it all behind, You’re all that satisfies
To know You is to want to know You more
To know You is to want to know You more

To know You is to ache for more than ordinary
To know You is to look beyond the temporary
To know You is believing that You’ll be enough
'Cause there’s no life without You

All this life could offer me
Could not compare to You, compare to You
And I count it all as loss
Compared to knowing You, knowing You

All this life could offer me
Could not compare to You, compare to You And I count it all as loss
Compared to knowing You, knowing You And I count it all as loss
Compared to knowing You, knowing You..

Gileeew, langsung gimanaaa gitu baca liriknya! Selama ini ngaku anak Tuhan, ngaku dekat sama Dia, tapi apa saya benar-benar sudah melakukan hal-hal ini:
  • Never worry for my life?
  • Never give into compromise?
  • Tell the world about Him?
  • Hear His voice when He is calling?
  • Catch my brothers (and sisters) when they are falling?
  • Feel the pain of the brokenhearted?
  • Look beyond the temporary?
  • Believing that He Himself will be enough?
I'm so sorry, dear Lord... I have not done all those things :(

Sometimes I displease You, ignore You... but I will never stop to try my best... because all I’m reaching for, I live my life to know You more :)

Tetapi siapa yang mau bermegah, baiklah bermegah karena yang berikut: bahwa ia memahami dan mengenal Aku, bahwa Akulah TUHAN yang menunjukkan kasih setia, keadilan dan kebenaran di bumi; sungguh, semuanya itu Kusukai, demikianlah firman TUHAN. (Yeremia 9:24)


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