Some updates about my life here.. (kayak ada yang mau tau aja :p)
Ini masak-masak pas komsel dan ultah Daniel, about two weeks ago. I cooked fu yung hay and sapo tahu seafood. Epi (and Andy? :p) cooked fried enoki. And of course there must be ACT's specialty dish... es loly (longan-lychee)! Habis makan semua ini langsung kekenyangan, nggak sanggup bangun dari kursi :p
Iced chocospresso at Nando's Plaza Singapura. Not bad.. I think I bought the experience, not the drink itself :p
Mild peri-peri chicken with peri chips and peri potato salad, still at Nando's. Again, the chicken was so-so, but I like the peri chips! Anyway, you can choose any two side dishes for every main course you ordered in this restaurant. As you can see, I chose peri chips and peri potato salad. Peri is the name of the spices (that red-colored powder on the fries), I think... Too many "peri" words in this paragraph. LOL!
With Bella at Honeymoon Dessert Bugis Junction! :D Muka saya udah kayak orang nggak mandi setahun. Begitulah wajah kalau keluyuran dari pagi sampai malam, hahaha.
Waktu libur lebaran... yang (saya sungguh miris menuliskannya) hanya berlangsung selama SATU HARI di sini, tanggal 30 Agustus saja! Me, Cecil, Fanie, Bella, Yovani, went to karaoke at Kbox Marina Square, then McD, Play Nation at Scape Orchard, and... Medzs!
Welcome to the era of The Game of Life! Longing for board game sooo much after so many years did not play it :)
Peach waffle at Medzs! My favorite food here!
Beef salami pizza, still at Medzs... veramente delizioso! ("very delicious" in Italian. I translated the words using google translate :p) Wajib nyoba kalau makan di sini!
Medzs claimed that they have "Beers of the World", jadi kami iseng nanya apakah mereka punya bir bintang, eeh... ternyata nggak ada! Hahaha, belum lengkap berarti koleksinya :p
Ini masak-masak pas komsel dan ultah Daniel, about two weeks ago. I cooked fu yung hay and sapo tahu seafood. Epi (and Andy? :p) cooked fried enoki. And of course there must be ACT's specialty dish... es loly (longan-lychee)! Habis makan semua ini langsung kekenyangan, nggak sanggup bangun dari kursi :p
Iced chocospresso at Nando's Plaza Singapura. Not bad.. I think I bought the experience, not the drink itself :p
Mild peri-peri chicken with peri chips and peri potato salad, still at Nando's. Again, the chicken was so-so, but I like the peri chips! Anyway, you can choose any two side dishes for every main course you ordered in this restaurant. As you can see, I chose peri chips and peri potato salad. Peri is the name of the spices (that red-colored powder on the fries), I think... Too many "peri" words in this paragraph. LOL!
With Bella at Honeymoon Dessert Bugis Junction! :D Muka saya udah kayak orang nggak mandi setahun. Begitulah wajah kalau keluyuran dari pagi sampai malam, hahaha.
The dessert I ate at Honeymoon Dessert... mango with glutinous rice and vanilla sauce. Nyam!
Waktu libur lebaran... yang (saya sungguh miris menuliskannya) hanya berlangsung selama SATU HARI di sini, tanggal 30 Agustus saja! Me, Cecil, Fanie, Bella, Yovani, went to karaoke at Kbox Marina Square, then McD, Play Nation at Scape Orchard, and... Medzs!
Welcome to the era of The Game of Life! Longing for board game sooo much after so many years did not play it :)
Peach waffle at Medzs! My favorite food here!
Beef salami pizza, still at Medzs... veramente delizioso! ("very delicious" in Italian. I translated the words using google translate :p) Wajib nyoba kalau makan di sini!
Medzs claimed that they have "Beers of the World", jadi kami iseng nanya apakah mereka punya bir bintang, eeh... ternyata nggak ada! Hahaha, belum lengkap berarti koleksinya :p
Well, sekian update dari saya. Maaf jika foto-foto makanan di atas membuat Anda lapar. Saya juga jadi lapar (lagi) :p