Ola! Went back from Indonesia last Sunday, and really want to share the stories of my holiday, but I can’t help myself to post this story first, and holiday’s stories can wait, so… here we go! Term ini saya ambil salah satu subject (mata kuliah) yang namanya Leadership and Strategic Thinking. Dari namanya udah ketahuan lah ya pelajarannya tentang apa, of course tentang kepemimpinan. Nah, di akhir kelas kemarin, kita disuruh diskusi dalam kelompok kecil (4-5 orang) tentang siapa saja orang yang menurut kita adalah pahlawan atau leader kita, dan kenapa kita mengagumi orang tersebut. Dalam soal diskusinya, ada pernyataan “your heroes can be anyone from Mother Theresa to your next-door neighbor”, means orang tersebut doesn’t suppose to be known worldwide, as long as he/she has the character of a leader or hero for us. And of course you all can guess whose name appeared first on my mind. Yup! J-E-S-U-S . Tapi kemudian, batin saya mulai gelisah. Right after I inte...
the ZENses of Stephanie Zen :)