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Showing posts from October, 2011

Are You Ashamed of Your God?

Ola! Went back from Indonesia last Sunday, and really want to share the stories of my holiday, but I can’t help myself to post this story first, and holiday’s stories can wait, so… here we go! Term ini saya ambil salah satu subject (mata kuliah) yang namanya Leadership and Strategic Thinking. Dari namanya udah ketahuan lah ya pelajarannya tentang apa, of course tentang kepemimpinan. Nah, di akhir kelas kemarin, kita disuruh diskusi dalam kelompok kecil (4-5 orang) tentang siapa saja orang yang menurut kita adalah pahlawan atau leader kita, dan kenapa kita mengagumi orang tersebut. Dalam soal diskusinya, ada pernyataan “your heroes can be anyone from Mother Theresa to your next-door neighbor”, means orang tersebut doesn’t suppose to be known worldwide, as long as he/she has the character of a leader or hero for us. And of course you all can guess whose name appeared first on my mind. Yup! J-E-S-U-S . Tapi kemudian, batin saya mulai gelisah. Right after I inte...

ACT at BIF Service

Kemarin, saya dan cell group saya, ACT, ikut pelayanan di BIF. So sorrry, lupa what does BIF stand for, tapi BIF ini komunitas untuk para TKW dari Indonesia yang kerja di Singapore as maids and nannies :) Each Sunday, pendeta saya di sini, Ko Yakub, melayani di BIF ini. Pas tahu ACT bakal dapat jatah pelayanan di BIF, I was so excited, karena udah lama pengen tahu, gimana sih konsep pelayanan di BIF ini :D Nah, kemarin akhirnya dapat kesempatan, dan sebelum ke BIF, saya dan Epi masak! Huehehe. Pertamanya mikir pengen bikin cottage pie, tapi... cottage pie itu cuma cemilan, pasti cowok-cowok ACT (yang makannya notabene banyak banget... ups! :p) nggak akan kenyang. Ditambah lagi, cottage pie enaknya dimakan hangat-hangat pas keluar dari oven, jadi makin kurang sip lagi kalau masak itu (karena pasti masaknya dari rumah, baru dibawa ke BIF, kan udah dingin pie-nya). Setelah pikir-pikir, akhirnya memutuskan untuk masak... yup, apa lagi kalau bukan sapo tahu dan fu yung hay? Huehehe. Jad...

The Official Album Cover, Tracklisting, and Sneak Peek of Music Video, Finally!

Finally, Daughtry announced their official album cover and tracklisting of the upcoming new album, Break the Spell! Me loooove the cover! And here's the tracklisting for the Deluxe Edition: 1. Renegade 2. Crawling Back To You 3. Outta My Head 4. Start Of Something Good 5. Crazy 6. Break The Spell 7. We’re Not Gonna Fall 8. Gone Too Soon 9. Losing My Mind 10. Rescue Me 11. Louder Than Ever 12. Spaceship Deluxe Edition Tracks: 13. Who’s They 14. Maybe We’re Already Gone 15. Everything But Me 16. Lullaby The song titles alone have inspired me to write more scripts! Can't wait untill I can listen to the full tracks! And they're on the making of Crawling Back to You's official music video also! Yeah! Come quick, November 21st!

Just Give Me Jesus

"The cross is not just a symbol of love or a fashion statement. The cross is your daily decision to deny yourself, your rights, your wants, your dreams, your plans, your goals, and deliberately, wholeheartedly, unreservedly, live out your commitment to God's will and God's way and God's Word, and God's wisdom. The cross is your decision to live for Him. Period." Taken from: *terhunjam ribuan belati*

Musikal Laskar Pelangi: I’m Proud to be Indonesian!

Hari Minggu lalu saya pergi nonton Musikal Laskar Pelangi di Esplanade Theatre on the Bay. Rada dilema juga sih pas mau nonton, karena besoknya final exam Customer Experience Management, hahaha. Tapi berhubung: Tiketnya udah beli dari jauh-jauh hari (sebelum saya tahu periode final exam saya) Harga tiketnya lumayan (S$ 43 bok!) jadi sayang kalau hangus Memang pengen nonton (karena katanya bagus BANGET), dan Saya udah nyicil belajar CEM dari minggu lalunya (bela-belain beneur!) Maka, saya pun membulatkan tekad untuk nonton, huehehe. Oya, nontonnya sama beberapa temen gereja saya di sini: Wiwin, Daniel, and Eliz. Hari H-nya, saya janjian ketemu sama Eliz dulu di Plaza Singapura, then naik MRT dari Dhoby Ghaut ke Esplanade. Nah, dari MRT station Esplanade ke Esplanade Theatre kan jalannya rada jauh ya (tapi buat yang pertama ke sini pun DIJAMIN nggak bakal nyasar, karena ada penunjuk arah di mana-mana, emang Singapore top be’eng!), terus kita se...

Break the Spell!

So happy! My favorite band of aaaaaaall time, Daughtry, is going to release their 3rd album this 21st of November! The album's title is Break the Spell! And they have launched two new singles from this new album: Renegade (will be play only in rock radios in U.S.) and Crawling Back to You. And, to make me happy even more (yay! Huehehe), Daughtry also contributed on the original soundtrack album of Batman Arkham City game, with a single titled Drown in You. Too bad that this single won't be in Break the Spell album :( Ah, nevermind, there will be LOTS of great songs in that album! :D Dunno why this new blogger setting couldn't show the video, but you can check the song here . Aaah, can't wait for November 21st! :D