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Most People Don't...

Those three words ping-ping in my mind over and over like pebbles against a glass window.

I pause, "It's true. Most people don't spend so much time sitting in front of a laptop and writing."

And then it comes, "What's the matter with you? Why can't you relax and be more like most people?"

You've had these words thrown like stones at you too, haven't you?

Most people don't...wear themselves out in the kitchen because they believe a meal feeds hearts and fills bellies.

Most people don't...throw off their entire schedule because they take time to listen to the stranger in the grocery store having a hard day.

Most people don't...pore over spreadsheets until their eyes are red because they see numbers as a sort of art and a way of bringing order to a chaotic world.

Most people don't do what you do, love what you love, feel the kind of passion you feel about that thing.

I started thinking about this recently and I realized we're in good company.

Most people don' an ark.

Most people don't...lead people through the desert to the Promised Land.

Most people don't...die on a cross to save the world.

But aren't we glad one person did?

If most people don't do it, then it's probably not the plan of man. There's probably the heartbeat of God somewhere within it.

We need you, just you, to fulfill that purpose, complete that project, bring that gift to the world in a way no one else can.

Most people don't...but you do.

And that's amazing.

PS: Article by Holley Gerth, you can also visit her blog ;)


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